Our companyTANGENTE LTD - the Latvian manufacturing company, created in 1991, makes and realizes the following production:
Company production is widely used in building, internal finishing and repair work, transport, agriculture, amateur and industrial fishery, the sewing and furniture industry etc. Twine is used in gardening, vegetable-growing and meat-processing industries. Company production can be got in shopping centres of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia.
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Copyright © TANGENTE. All rights reserved. | Developed: majaslapa.lv |
TANGENTE LTD - the Latvian manufacturing company, created in 1991, makes and realizes the following production:
Company production is widely used in building, internal finishing and repair work, transport, agriculture, amateur and industrial fishery, the sewing and furniture industry etc. Twine is used in gardening, vegetable-growing and meat-processing industries.
Company production can be got in shopping centres of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia.